Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseum artist in residence programme
In October 2024, three residents have arrived at EKKM to start working on the We don't want to be stars project: Maud van den Beuken (NL), Uku Sepsivart (EE), and Zorica Zafirovska (MK). Together with curator Margit Säde (EE) they mapped their common interests by visiting Estonian Museum of Natural History, Paljassaare Special Conservation Area, Estonian Environment Agency, Logi sauna, Tallinn Botanical Garden, Kopli 93 makerspace, and EKKM.
These visits included meetings with biologist Lennart Lennuk (Estonian Museum of Natural History), dendrologist Olev Abner (Tallinn Botanical Garden), meteorologist Ele Pedassaar (Estonian Environment Agency), and botanist Urmas Laansoo (Tallinn Botanical Gardens). In addition, they went canoeing on the Pirita River, learnt about the edible plants growing in the city, practiced foraging, watched Lennart Meri’s film “The Waterfowl People” and read texts. The results of the EKKM residency will be exhibited in 2025 at EKKM.

These visits included meetings with biologist Lennart Lennuk (Estonian Museum of Natural History), dendrologist Olev Abner (Tallinn Botanical Garden), meteorologist Ele Pedassaar (Estonian Environment Agency), and botanist Urmas Laansoo (Tallinn Botanical Gardens). In addition, they went canoeing on the Pirita River, learnt about the edible plants growing in the city, practiced foraging, watched Lennart Meri’s film “The Waterfowl People” and read texts. The results of the EKKM residency will be exhibited in 2025 at EKKM.

Artists in residence Maud van den Beuken, Zorica Zafirovska, and Uku Sepsivart. Photo by residents.

Canoeing on the Pirita River. Photo by residents.

Trash collected from the Pirita River. Photo by residents.

Visit to the Estonian Museum of Natural History. Photo by residents.

Visit to the Estonian Environment Agency. Photo by residents.

Visiting Paljassaare Special Conservation Area. Photo by residents.

Visiting Paljassaare Special Conservation Area. Photo by residents.

Getting to know local plants. Photo by residents.